Common Symptoms Of

Lower Back Pain

What Causes Lower Back Pain and why is it common?

The problem with a stiff lower back, and why it is so common and so commonly mistreated, is because it can be so easy to pick up an injury and not realize it.

Or you may have another injury elsewhere that is left untreated which starts to have an impact on your lower back.

The pain you experience can also be different for everyone – you might have a constant dull ache and feeling of stiffness, or it might be sudden agonizing pain as you bend or get up from a chair.

But I am here to help you eliminate that stiff lower back, and get you back to being able to get back in the gym, or your skis or snowboard, and enjoying your morning runs before work without the need for pills, injections, or surgery.

Why Haven't You Been Able To Cure Your Lower Back Pain Before?

I know you’ve probably tried everything when it comes to relieving the lower back pain and stiffness that you are struggling with.

You’ve been told to rest and take painkillers, or worse your doctor has told you that injections and surgery are the only option.

You’ve tried to exercise and stretch at home, and started to avoid exercises in the gym or go on shorter hikes and bike rides.

But nothing has worked!

And the reason all these things haven’t worked is that you’re following the wrong treatment plan or outdated and misleading advice.

The good news is that the problem is not you, and you aren’t condemned to a life with back pain.

The problem with all the things you’ve tried before is that these are a band-aid on a long-term problem.

Our approach focuses on identifying the root cause of your stiff lower back pain, and treating you in a way that delivers long-term, natural relief.

How Can you treat Lower Back Pain Without Pills Or Surgery?

What really makes my expert team and I stand out as the leading experts on stiff lower back pain in Denver, is that we are able to get you back to living your life the way you want without the need for cabinets of pills or going under the surgeon’s knife.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but the truth is that all it takes is someone with the right experience and knowledge, such as myself, to listen to your problems and know what to do to find you a long-term solution to your pain.

At our clinic, you get undivided attention in 1-1 sessions with leading back pain experts and receive world-class treatments such as dry needling, hands-on manipulation, and fascial stretch therapy that are personalized to you and your specific challenges.

How Can you Find out More About Working With Back Pain Expert Jamie Bovay?

So if you want to finally put an end to your stiff lower back pain but are nervous about trying something you may have not tried before then I am here to tell you, don’t be! To get started, there are 3 free options that allow you to learn about the safe, natural, and proven treatments for ending your stiff lower back pain. First, you can get instant access to my free back pain report – 9 Ways To Ease Lower Back Pain. If you prefer to speak to me and my team, you can also arrange a Free Telephone Consultation where you can share your story, and get personalized advice from leading back pain experts. The third option is to actually come into our clinic as part of a Free Discovery Visit. You can meet us in person, and get even more personalized advice on the best way to put an end to your stiff lower back pain without resorting to pills, injections, and surgery. The most important thing is to pick one of these options because if you keep doing what you have been doing, you can expect the same problem in the future.

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