Back Pain Expert Denver

CAN you Help Me Stop My Agonizing Back Pain Fast?

If you are looking to stop your back pain from keeping you out of action and stopping you from doing what you love, learn how the leading Back Pain Expert, Dr. Jamie Bovay, has helped people just like you.

Dr. Jamie has helped hundreds of people in Denver struggling with back pain over the past few years, and here are just a few of their success stories…

“My life felt miserable, and I struggled to even sit there and was just hoping that it would go away on its own.”

“I had re-herniated the discs in my lower back and was in excruciating pain. My life felt miserable and I struggled to even sit there and was just hoping that it would go away on its own.

But thankfully this wasn’t my first rodeo and I have actually been to see Jamie before when I had originally injured my back and herniated the discs.

This meant I was able to do my best to manage the pain and symptoms of my injury because of all the information and resources that Jamie had previously provided me with!

That just wasn’t enough though and I went to see Jamie again so that I could get the hands-on treatment that my injury needed in order for me to feel the long-term benefits and relief.”

Amanda, Denver, herniated disk and sciatica recovery


“I had back pain so bad I was waking up at night and couldn’t sleep because of the pain.”

“I suffered from debilitating back pain and wasn’t able to do the things I used to enjoy. Suddenly, I was not able to exercise the way I used to, I couldn’t lift heavy weights, and my physical activity had to be limited.

I tried home remedies like putting ice on it and resting, but that didn’t work and the pain kept getting worse.

I had back pain so bad I was waking up at night and couldn’t sleep because of the pain. 

Finally, I decided to try physical therapy and I was quite skeptical as I always thought it was for older people and involved minor stretches that wouldn’t help.

But, to my surprise, physical therapy fixed my back and now I can enjoy exercising, socializing with people, and doing all sorts of activities without the feeling of constant pain in my back.

I recommend physical therapy to anyone who’s in pain and is looking for a permanent solution.”

Chrislie, denver, permanent relief for devilitating back pain

“I wanted to get back to lifting heavy weights, mountain biking, and doing all the things I love, and Jamie achieved that!”

“I had a very frustrating pain in my lower back that stopped me from doing everything that I love.

As a CrossFit coach, I understand the importance of being active and having unlimited strength and mobility, so I was upset when my back pain stopped me from coaching and enjoying outdoor sports.

I used to love mountain biking, hiking, and all sorts of sports, but with back pain, I was barely able to sit on a bike.

I wanted to get back to lifting heavy weights, mountain biking, and doing all the things I love, and Jamie achieved that!

After trying some stretches at home and not getting any results, I found Kinetik and they’ve helped me get back to my old self.

You wouldn’t try to fix your own teeth or a car if you don’t know anything about it, so I wouldn’t risk trying to fix your own body.

You need extra help, and I highly recommend Kinetik to anyone who’s in pain and wants to get better.”

whitney, denver, discomforting back pain limiting activity


"After I injured my back, I’ve been in pain for 7 years. I’ve been coming to Kinetik for 6 months now. It’s been a game-changer. I’m back to playing sports and doing other things I love.”

“I had a back injury and I have been coming to Tomsic Physical Therapy for about 6 weeks or so, and I feel like I am just as good as new.

The staff here is professional, friendly, polite, competent, and a lot of fun. I am glad that I came here and I would recommend Tomsic to anybody.”

Bryon, denver, 7 years of back pain


"I had tried a lot of things, chiropractor, acupuncture, massage, and other physical therapists but nothing worked. Only when I came to Kinetik I was able to get the help I needed.”

“I’ve been trying to keep active as much as I can and I really enjoy playing golf, so when my back pain started a few years back, I was upset when I couldn’t do all the things that I enjoy.

The pain kept getting worse and my mobility has gotten worse, I couldn’t swing the golf club anymore, and every activity caused me so much pain.

I had tried a lot of things, chiropractor, acupuncture, massage, and other physical therapists but nothing worked. Only when I came to Kinetik I was able to get the help I needed.

After getting customized exercises from Kinetik, I was able to recover from my pain and get back to playing golf and doing other things I used to do before my injury.

I highly recommend them to anyone who’s been struggling with pain and tried everything else.”

Lisa, denver, agonizing back pain preventing sports and an active life


Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team at Kinetik Chain – and left much happier.

9 ways to ease lower back pain. back pain expert in denver, jamie bovay