“Do You Have Back Pain, And Are You Looking For The #1 Back Pain Expert In Denver
To Fix It Fast?”

If YES, congratulations, you have found Dr. Jamie Bovay

The #1 back pain expert in Denver, with a proven track record in helping people like you eliminate their back pain and get them back to doing what they want.


Get your copy of this free report, written by Denver’s, leading back pain expert, Dr. Jamie Bovay, where you can learn:


Why YOU are failing to get relief from your back pain and suffering for longer!


How the advice you have been given by you doctors before could be making your back pain WORSE and not better.


The best way for you to end your back pain and sciatica without pills injections or surgery.


How YOU can get back to doing the things you love without the fear of injury or making your back pain worse!


Read Dr. Jamie’s latest articles which are packed with proven strategies and practical advice on how you can stop your lower back pain and sciatica, and help you get back to moving freely, working out, and playing the sports you love.

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May 17, 2024Lower back pain can be a debilitating experience, affecting your daily activities, mood, and overall quality of life. Many individuals struggle with this common issue at some point in their lives, whether from injury, chronic conditions, or lifestyle factors. As a physical therapist specializing in musculoskeletal disorders, I have developed effective strategies and insights that can help you alleviate lower back pain quickly and, more importantly, safely. Understanding Lower Back Pain Before diving into treatments, it’s crucial to understand what may be causing your lower back pain. Causes can range from acute injuries like strains and sprains to chronic conditions such as degenerative disc disease or sciatica. Lifestyle factors, including poor posture, inadequate ergonomic setups, and lack of regular exercise, also play a significant role. Quick Relief Strategies Immediate relief for lower back pain often requires a combination of rest, ice, and heat therapy. Ice can help reduce inflammation and numb sharp pain, especially in the first 24-48 hours after an injury. Afterward, applying heat can relax and soothe muscles and improve blood circulation to speed up healing. Core Strengthening and Flexibility Exercises Building a stronger core and improving flexibility are long-term strategies to prevent and reduce lower back pain. Exercises like planks, bridges, and gentle stretches that target the lower back can stabilize your spine, reducing the burden on your back during daily activities. Planks – Strengthen your core without straining your back. Bridges – Engage the glutes and lower back muscles to support spinal alignment. Pelvic Tilts – Increase lower back flexibility and core strength. Incorporating Proper Techniques in Daily Activities How you move and carry yourself throughout the day significantly impacts your spinal health. Practice good posture, ensure your workspace is ergonomically set up, and be mindful when lifting objects—always lift from your knees, not your back. Physical Therapy: The Fast Track to Recovery While home remedies and lifestyle adjustments can provide relief, working with a physical therapist offers the fastest route to alleviate lower back pain effectively. Physical therapy techniques tailored to your specific condition can relieve pain, strengthen your lower body, and prevent future episodes. Optimal Treatment for Lower Back Pain At KinetikChain Denver, we specialize in diagnosing and treating lower back pain with a holistic approach. We offer a variety of resources to get you started on your journey to recovery: Free Lower Back Pain Report: Gain expert insights and practical guidance on managing lower back pain. Free Telephone Consultation: Discuss your specific concerns and receive personalized recommendations from our specialists. Free Discovery Visit: Meet with our team for a comprehensive assessment and a customized treatment plan designed to restore your mobility and relieve pain. Don’t let lower back pain hold you back from living your life to the fullest. Reach out today to explore how our targeted interventions can help you heal faster and more effectively. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Read our expert article to find out Discover The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Back Pain Relief. Learn about How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain for Pain-Free Days. […] Read more…
April 22, 2024If you’re among the countless individuals waking up each day with a nagging ache in your hip or a stiff lower back, you know how quickly it can steal your joy. Simple tasks like tying your shoes or reaching for a cup on the top shelf become a challenge, and that vibrant morning energy quickly fades into frustration. The pain isn’t just physical—it’s emotional too. It holds you back from enjoying life to the fullest, whether it’s playing with your kids, going for a run, or simply walking around without wincing. But there’s hope, and you’re not alone in this battle. Understanding the Connection Between Hip and Lower Back Pain The hips and lower back are intricately connected, and when one part is out of balance, it can lead to pain in the other. The lower back, also known as the lumbar spine, relies on the hips for stability and support. If the hip muscles are tight or weak, they can strain the lower back, leading to discomfort. Similarly, issues in the lower back can cause compensatory patterns in the hips, leading to misalignment and pain. Understanding this connection is key to finding the right strategies for managing hip and lower back pain. 5 Ways To Manage Hip and Lower Back Pain As a physical therapist, I’ve seen many patients struggle with hip and lower back pain. Here are five effective ways to manage and reduce your discomfort: 1. Strengthen Your Core and Hips Your core and hip muscles play a crucial role in supporting your lower back. Weakness in these areas can lead to instability and increased stress on your spine. Focus on exercises that target your core, like planks and bridges, and strengthen your hip muscles with lunges and squats. These exercises help improve stability and reduce pain. 2. Stretch Tight Muscles Tight hip muscles can pull on your lower back, causing discomfort. Stretching exercises like the hip flexor stretch, seated hamstring stretch, and piriformis stretch can help release tension and improve flexibility. Make stretching a daily habit to keep your hips and lower back loose and pain-free. 3. Improve Your Posture Poor posture is a common cause of hip and lower back pain. Whether you’re sitting at a desk or standing for long periods, maintaining proper posture is crucial. Keep your shoulders back, your spine straight, and your hips aligned. If you struggle with posture, consider using ergonomic chairs and adjustable desks to create a more supportive environment. 4. Incorporate Low-Impact Exercise Engaging in low-impact activities like swimming, cycling, or walking can help keep your joints moving without causing additional stress. These exercises are excellent for managing hip and lower back pain while promoting overall fitness. Aim for at least 30 minutes of low-impact exercise most days of the week. 5. Seek Professional Guidance If you’re struggling with persistent hip and lower back pain, it might be time to seek professional help. A physical therapist can create a personalized plan to address your unique needs, focusing on exercises and techniques that alleviate pain and prevent further injuries. Don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable—take action now to start your journey toward recovery. The Best Treatment for Hip and Lower Back Pain While the exercises mentioned above are great for managing hip and lower back pain, it’s always best to get professional help from a physical therapist who specializes in back pain. If you’re unsure about which stretches or exercises are suitable for your specific condition, a physical therapist can guide you and ensure you perform them correctly. At KinetikChain Denver, we offer a variety of free resources to help you get started: Free Hip and Lower Back Pain Report: If you want to learn more about hip and lower back pain and the various treatment options, our free advice report is a valuable resource. It contains expert insights and practical guidance. Free Telephone Consultation: If you have questions or need advice, you can speak with one of our specialists through a free telephone consultation. We’re here to answer your questions and provide personalized recommendations. Free Discovery Visit: If you’re ready to take the next step and get hands-on guidance, book a free discovery visit. You’ll meet with our team, discuss your pain, and receive a tailored plan to help you move forward. Don’t let hip and lower back pain keep you from enjoying life. Take the first step towards relief by choosing one of the options above. You deserve to live pain-free and engage in the activities you love. We look forward to helping you achieve that goal! More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Read our expert article to find out Discover The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Back Pain Relief. Learn about How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain for Pain-Free Days. […] Read more…
March 21, 2024Embracing a Life Free from Discomfort Envision your life painted with broad strokes of activities you love—maybe it’s a serene walk in the park, playing with your children, or simply moving through your day with ease. Now, picture the sharp sting of lower back pain cutting across this idyllic scene, turning every color into a shade of discomfort. This pain isn’t just a physical barrier; it tugs at your emotions, muddying moments that should be clear with joy. The constant tug of aches can feel like a weight, holding you back from truly living. But this doesn’t have to be your reality. Can Exercises Help My Lower Back Pain? Amidst the shadows of pain, there is a gleam of hope. The right exercises for lower back pain can be a lighthouse, guiding you to safer shores. As a physical therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how targeted movements can not only alleviate pain but can prevent it from returning, giving you back the control over your body and your life. 5 Exercises To Help With Lower Back Pain Let’s explore five exercises for lower back pain that I often recommend, which are designed to strengthen, restore, and prevent—the three pillars of a resilient back. 1. Pelvic Tilts: Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Flatten your lower back against the floor by gently contracting your abdominal muscles. Hold for five seconds, then relax. Aim for 10-15 repetitions. This exercise can help relieve tightness in your lower back and improve your core stability. 2. Knee-to-Chest Stretches: While still on your back, slowly bring one knee up to your chest, keeping the other foot flat on the floor. Hold your knee with both hands and gently pull it closer to your chest. Hold for 20-30 seconds before switching legs. This is a gentle way to stretch and relax your lower back muscles. 3. Bridging: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold for a count of 10 and slowly lower your hips back to the floor. Aim for 10 repetitions. This exercise strengthens the glutes, which are essential for lower back support. 4. Child’s Pose: A classic yoga pose, start on your hands and knees, then sit back on your heels and stretch your arms forward on the floor. Let your forehead touch the ground, and hold this position for 20-30 seconds to stretch out the spine and relieve tension in the back. 5. Seated Spinal Twist: Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Bend one knee and place your foot on the outside of your opposite thigh. Twist your torso towards the bent knee, placing the opposite elbow on the outside of the bent knee for leverage. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then switch sides. This exercise promotes spinal mobility and can help alleviate muscle tightness. Integrating these exercises for lower back pain into your daily routine can not only provide immediate relief but also build a foundation for a healthier back that supports you in all your endeavors. Remember, consistency is crucial when it comes to exercises for lower back pain. Just as a painter returns to the canvas, day after day, to complete a masterpiece, so must you return to these exercises, day after day, to craft a stronger, pain-free back. In a journey of a thousand miles, or just from the bedroom to the kitchen, every step should be one of ease and comfort. As your guide and advocate for holistic health, I invite you to embrace these exercises for lower back pain and rediscover the joys of a life unhampered by pain. Together, let’s step into a world of movement and vitality, where each activity you love is within reach, free from the shadows of back pain. Let’s journey toward health, comfort, and the pure joy of living pain-free. Navigating Towards Lasting Lower Back Pain Relief When simple stretches and home exercises don’t fully address your lower back pain, professional intervention may be the key to recovery. Here at Kinetik Chain, we take pride in developing personalized care plans designed to achieve enduring lower back pain relief. Our healthcare philosophy is rooted in recognizing the individuality of your pain and providing targeted, patient-centric care. Our holistic approach includes a fusion of physical therapy, massage, and bespoke exercises for lower back pain, not only to ease your symptoms but also to cultivate ongoing back health and functionality. Constant pain should not define your daily life. While incorporating exercises for lower back pain can offer significant improvements, stubborn pain may signal the need for a deeper dive into therapeutic options. With a reputation as Denver’s premier back pain relief providers, we have a history of empowering people to live pain-free lives, and we’re ready to extend that expertise to you. For those who wish to deepen their understanding of natural lower back pain management, we offer a complimentary advice report full of insightful tips. We also welcome you to a free phone consultation with our seasoned experts to explore effective, non-pharmaceutical recovery avenues. If you’re prepared to advance in your pain relief journey, join us for a free discovery session. We’ll outline our unique recovery strategies and demonstrate how we can customize them to elevate your health.” More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Read our expert article to find out Discover The Benefits Of Physical Therapy For Back Pain Relief. Learn about How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain for Pain-Free Days. […] Read more…
February 28, 2024Embracing a Life Unhindered by Pain Imagine your life as a vibrant canvas of activities you adore—hiking trails painted with the golden hues of dawn, engaging in the joyful play of life’s simple pleasures, or perhaps immersing yourself in your favorite hobby with undivided passion. Now, envision a relentless shadow cast over this canvas by the persistent ache of back pain. This shadow looms, not just darkening your physical capabilities but also dimming the joy that once colored your everyday experiences. Back pain can be an invisible chain that binds you, restricting your movement and the breadth of activities you can enjoy. The frustration of being sidelined, the yearning to get back into the game, to bend and twist without the sharp reminders of discomfort—this is the silent narrative of many lives. Yet, it doesn’t have to be yours. Physical therapy offers a beacon of hope, illuminating a path to recovery and the freedom to live without the constant reminder of pain. In this blog, Discover the Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief. 5 Benefits of Physical Therapy for Back Pain Relief Physical therapy is not merely an intervention; it is a transformational practice that addresses the multifaceted nature of back pain. Here are five compelling benefits that showcase its pivotal role in pain relief and functional restoration. 1. Personalized Care That Addresses the Unique You Physical therapy transcends the one-size-fits-all approach. It is a tailored experience, an odyssey that begins with understanding the unique blueprint of your pain. Therapists delve into the intricacies of your condition, crafting a personalized program that adapts to your body’s language and its specific needs. This bespoke journey ensures that every stretch, every exercise, is a step toward reclaiming the activities you love. 2. Mastery Over Movement Through Expert Guidance Physical therapists are the cartographers of movement, guiding you through the complex map of recovery with expertise. They equip you with the tools and techniques to navigate your pain, teaching you how to move, bend, and function with efficiency and strength. This education is a powerful ally, transforming the way you interact with the world and reducing the risk of future injury. 3. Holistic Improvement Beyond the Back Physical therapy does not stop at alleviating the pain in your back; it enhances your overall well-being. As your back strengthens and heals, you may notice a ripple effect of benefits—improved posture, increased core strength, and a surge in energy levels. This holistic improvement is the silent revolution of physical therapy, often leading to a more active, healthier lifestyle. 4. The Natural Alchemy of Healing In an era where quick fixes and instant gratification are the norms, physical therapy reacquaints you with the body’s natural ability to heal. It is a gentle yet potent alchemy, eschewing the need for dependency on medications or invasive procedures. Through the methodical application of exercises and manual therapies, your body is encouraged to undertake its own healing, reducing inflammation and repairing tissues without the need for external stimulants. 5. Empowerment to Forge a Pain-Free Future One of the most profound benefits of physical therapy is empowerment—the knowledge and confidence to manage your back pain and prevent its recurrence. Physical therapists are your allies, but they also foster your autonomy, providing you with the skills and understanding to maintain back health independently. This empowerment is the foundation upon which a pain-free future is built, enabling you to re-engage with life’s activities fully. In conclusion, physical therapy is not just a remedy; it’s a renaissance of the body and spirit. It is a testament to the resilience inherent within you, waiting to be awakened. As you embark on this journey of healing and discovery, remember that each session, each movement, is a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, re-coloring it with vibrancy and freedom. As a physical therapist, I am your guide, your mentor in this journey. I invite you to step into the world of physical therapy and experience the profound impact it can have on your life. Embrace the possibility of a day unfettered by the chains of back pain, where every activity you cherish is within reach once again. Let’s journey together towards a horizon of health, comfort, and the pure joy of living pain-free. Mastering Upper Back Pain Relief: When to Consult the Experts Sometimes, self-care and at-home exercises aren’t enough for upper back pain, and professional help is needed. At Kinetik Chain, we’re dedicated to designing personalized treatment plans that go beyond temporary fixes to provide long-term upper back pain relief. Recognizing that each individual’s pain is distinct, we take a thorough and patient-focused approach to healthcare. We offer tailored treatments combining physical therapy, massage, and specific exercises that not only ease pain but also promote sustainable upper back health. Living with constant pain shouldn’t be your norm. Regular exercises can improve your life, but persistent pain calls for exploring further treatment options. As Denver’s leading back pain specialists, we’ve guided many to a pain-free life and can do the same for you. For those seeking further guidance on managing upper back pain naturally, we offer a free advice report packed with actionable tips. You’re also welcome to a complimentary phone consultation with our specialists to discuss swift and effective recovery methods without medication or surgery. Ready for the next step? Visit us for a free discovery session, where we’ll discuss our recovery strategies and show you how we can help. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Read our expert article to find out How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life Learn about 5 Exercises For Upper Back Pain – You Need To Hear […] Read more…
January 30, 2024Imagine waking up each day, ready to face the world with enthusiasm and positivity, but constantly held back by the relentless discomfort of upper back pain. It’s not just the physical agony; it’s the emotional toll it takes on your mood and patience. You find yourself irritable, unable to fully enjoy life, and yearning for relief. We understand that pain can be emotionally exhausting, and that’s why we’re here to offer hope and solutions. How can simple exercises alleviate back pain? Living with upper back pain can be a daily struggle, but it doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Simple exercises can be your pathway to a pain-free existence. By targeting the specific muscles in your upper back and improving their strength and flexibility, you can experience relief and regain control of your life. These exercises not only address the physical aspects of your pain but also contribute to your overall well-being, boosting your mood and reducing stress. 5 Exercises For Upper Back Pain Shoulder Blade Squeezes: Begin by sitting or standing with your arms at your sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you’re trying to hold a pencil between them. Hold for 5 seconds, then release. Repeat 10-15 times. This exercise helps improve posture and relieves tension in the upper back. Neck Tilt and Turn: Sit or stand with your head in a neutral position. Slowly tilt your head to one side, bringing your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 15-30 seconds, feeling the stretch along the side of your neck and upper back. Return to the neutral position and repeat on the other side. Next, turn your head gently to one side, looking over your shoulder. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then turn to the other side. These stretches can help release tension in the neck and upper back. Upper Back Extension: Stand or sit up straight with your hands clasped behind your head. Gently arch your upper back, pushing your chest forward while keeping your lower back still. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 5-10 times. This exercise helps improve flexibility in the upper back. Doorway Stretch: Stand in a doorway with your elbows bent at 90 degrees. Place your forearms on either side of the doorframe. Gently lean forward, feeling a stretch across your chest and upper back. Hold for 15-30 seconds. This stretch helps open up the chest and relieve tension in the upper back. Thoracic Rotation: Sit on the floor with your legs crossed or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Hold a small ball or pillow with both hands at chest level. Slowly rotate your upper body to one side, keeping your hips still. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then return to the center and repeat on the other side. This exercise enhances mobility in the upper back. These exercises, when performed regularly, can be a powerful tool in your journey to conquer upper back pain. Remember, consistency is key. As a physical therapist, I encourage you to incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, and with time, you’ll find relief, improved posture, and a renewed sense of well-being. You don’t have to let upper back pain control your life; take charge and reclaim your comfort and happiness. When to Seek Professional Guidance While these exercises can work wonders in alleviating upper back pain, persistent discomfort may warrant the expertise of a healthcare professional. At Kinetik Chain, we specialize in crafting individualized therapies and customized exercise routines tailored to target and relieve upper back pain effectively. We understand that everyone’s experience with upper back pain is unique, which is why our approach is both comprehensive and patient-centric. We thoroughly evaluate your specific condition to offer precise treatments such as physical therapy, massage therapy, and specialized exercises. These not only alleviate pain but also foster lasting upper back health. Remember, enduring days filled with discomfort is not a situation you have to endure as your normal. By incorporating these exercises, you can substantially enhance your well-being and minimize upper back pain. However, if you find yourself grappling with persistent upper back pain, it may be time to explore additional treatment options. As Denver’s foremost expert in back pain management, I have assisted countless individuals in overcoming upper back pain and regaining their quality of life. If you’re interested in discovering how I can assist you further, I invite you to explore these complimentary resources. If you’re looking to gather additional insights on naturally managing upper back pain before scheduling a consultation with us, feel free to access our complimentary advice report. Inside, we’ve compiled valuable information to provide you with helpful guidance. You also have the option to schedule a no-cost phone consultation with our team of experts to explore how we can assist you in achieving a speedy recovery without relying on pain medications, injections, or surgical procedures. If you’re prepared to move forward, you’re welcome to visit our clinic for a complimentary discovery session. During this session, we can provide you with a tour and engage in a more in-depth conversation about our approach to aiding in your recovery. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Read our expert article to find out How You Can Get Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain and Keep It Away. Learn about 5 Common Mistakes That Give You Lower Back Pain When Running. […] Read more…
January 15, 2024Waking up to a new day shouldn’t be overshadowed by the discomfort of lower back pain and questions of how to sleep with lower back pain. We believe that a restful night’s sleep is a cornerstone of overall well-being, particularly when managing back pain. Let’s delve deeper into optimizing your sleep environment and habits to help alleviate that troublesome back pain. How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain: Creating a Back-Friendly Bedroom Your bedroom should be a haven for healing and relaxation, especially when you’re dealing with back pain. Choosing the Right Mattress: The importance of a good mattress can’t be overstated. For those wondering how to sleep with lower back pain, a medium-firm mattress is often recommended. It strikes a balance between support and comfort, providing the necessary firmness to keep your spine well-aligned while offering enough give to cushion your hips and shoulders. Remember, a mattress that’s too soft may cause your body to sink in and misalign your spine, while one that’s too firm might add pressure to your pain points. Pillows for Proper Alignment: Using pillows effectively can significantly change your sleeping experience. For back sleepers, placing a pillow under your knees can reduce the strain on your lower back by maintaining its natural curve. Side sleepers can benefit from a pillow between their knees, which helps keep the hips, pelvis, and spine aligned. Even the pillow under your head matters; it should be at a height that keeps your neck aligned with the rest of your spine. Sleep Posture and Positioning The position you sleep in can either alleviate or aggravate back pain. The Stomach Sleeping Conundrum: Sleeping on your stomach is generally not advised when dealing with lower back pain, as it can flatten the natural curve of your spine and strain your neck. However, if this is your preferred position, placing a thin pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen can help relieve some pressure off your back. This small adjustment can make a big difference. Back Sleepers’ Knee Support: If you sleep on your back, placing a pillow under your knees allows the lower back to maintain its natural curve and reduces the tension in your spinal ligaments. It’s a simple trick that can provide substantial relief. Side Sleepers’ Knee Alignment: For those who sleep on their side, drawing your legs up slightly toward your chest and placing a pillow between your knees can prevent your upper leg from pulling your spine out of alignment, thus reducing stress on your lower back. Lifestyle Adjustments for Better Sleep How you spend your day can influence how well you sleep at night, particularly when it comes to back pain. Ergonomic Daytime Practices: Your daily posture plays a crucial role in managing back pain. Opt for chairs and workstations that promote good posture. Ergonomic furniture supports the natural curvature of your spine and encourages you to sit upright, which can prevent the exacerbation of back pain. Daytime Activity and Exercise: Regular physical activity is vital in managing lower back pain. Core-strengthening exercises help to stabilize and support your spine. Stretching routines, especially for your back and legs, can increase flexibility and reduce tension in the muscles that support your lower back. However, it’s advisable to avoid vigorous exercises close to bedtime as they might overstimulate your body and make it harder to fall asleep. You’ve Learned How to Sleep with Lower Back Pain –  When Should You Seek Further Help? Persistent lower back pain despite these adjustments might require professional intervention. At Kinetik Chain, our expertise extends to tailored therapies and personalized exercise plans specifically designed to address and alleviate your back pain. Remember, enduring nights of discomfort isn’t something you have to accept as your norm. Implementing these strategies can significantly improve your sleep quality and, by extension, your overall quality of life. However, if you find yourself continually struggling with lower back pain, it might be time to explore further treatment options. As the leading back pain expert in Denver, I’ve helped thousands of patients recover from back pain and get back to living their lives. If you want to find out more about how I can help you, take a look at these FREE options. If you want to get some more information on natural pain relief for back pain before coming to see us, then you can download our free advice report where we’ve put together some useful insights. You can also book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to find out how we can help you recover fast without painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you’re ready to take the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can show you around and discuss in more detail how we can help you recover. Let 2024 be the year you say goodbye to lower back pain and hello to restful nights and energized mornings. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and keep up to date and in contact with our clinic. Avoid these 5 Common Mistakes That Give You Lower Back Pain When Running Read our expert article to find out How To Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast And Get Back To Enjoying Activities With The Family Learn about The Best Lower Back Pain Stretches That Will Keep You Active This Summer. […] Read more…
November 22, 2023Are you an avid runner who’s been sidelined by lower back pain? If so, you’re not alone. I know how debilitating and upsetting it is when you can’t do the things you love the most like being active. Lower back pain is a common complaint among runners, and it can be incredibly frustrating. The good news is that with the right approach, you can recover naturally and quickly, so you can get back to doing what you love. Read this blog to find five common mistakes that often lead to lower back pain when running and how to avoid them. Common Mistakes Leading To Lower Back Pain From Running If you’re suffering from lower back pain when running, then I know how difficult it is for you to stay active and keep running when you’re in pain. However, there are things you can do to get better and get back to running without pain. You’ve probably been making some mistakes that led to this pain, so you need to find out what they are and how to eliminate them. Here are a few things to consider. Mistake #1: Poor Running Form One of the most significant contributors to lower back pain when running is poor running form. Running with improper posture, such as slouching or leaning too far forward, can place unnecessary strain on your lower back. To avoid this mistake, consider getting a professional gait analysis to help you identify and correct any form issues. Mistake #2: Overtraining Pushing yourself too hard and overtraining can lead to muscle imbalances and increased stress on your lower back. Make sure to give your body adequate time to rest and recover between runs. A tailored exercise program can help you strengthen your core and stabilize your spine avoiding lower back pain after running. Mistake #3: Inadequate Warm-Up and Stretching Skipping warm-up exercises and neglecting stretching can leave your muscles tight and less prepared for the demands of running. Incorporate a dynamic warm-up routine and static stretches for your hip flexors, hamstrings, and lower back into your pre-run ritual. Regular stretching will help you eliminate back pain when running. Mistake #4: Wearing the Wrong Shoes Choosing the wrong running shoes can have a detrimental impact on your lower back. Make sure you have the right pair of shoes that provide proper support and cushioning based on your foot type and running style. Consult with a knowledgeable running store or a physical therapist to find the ideal footwear for you. Mistake #5: Ignoring Pain Signals One of the biggest mistakes runners make is ignoring pain signals from their bodies. Running through pain can worsen your condition and lead to more extended recovery times. If you’re experiencing persistent lower back pain after running, it’s essential to seek professional help. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain From Running  Lower back pain should not keep you from enjoying your passion for running. By avoiding these common mistakes and seeking professional guidance when needed, you can recover naturally and quickly.  As the leading back pain expert in Denver, I can help you recover from your back pain from running and help you return to your active lifestyle and do all the things you love. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together lots of useful information for you to look at. Another option is to book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to discuss in more detail how we can help you recover fast and naturally without painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you’re ready to take the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can show you around our facilities and discuss possible treatment options. You will get better but you need proper advice and a personalized treatment plan to find out  what’s really been causing you this lower back pain when running. Only then, we can get you back to being healthy and prevent future injuries. More Free Advice  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information and to see what’s been happening in our clinic. Read our expert article to find out How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently And Reclaim Your Active Life. Get The Best Lower Back Pain Stretches That Will Keep You Active This Summer. How You Can Get Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain and Keep It Away? Find out from our expert article. […] Read more…
October 2, 2023Are you suffering from excruciating sciatica pain that’s been stopping you from doing things you love? I understand how you feel when you’re not able to be active, keep up with the kids, or enjoy family vacations because of this frustrating and painful condition. Sciatica pain can be a true hindrance in our lives, disrupting our routines, affecting our performance at work, and diminishing the joy of spending active moments with our families. With shooting pain, numbness, or tingling radiating from the lower back down the leg, even simple tasks can feel monumental. So, the million-dollar question: how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently? Read this blog to find out. What Causes Sciatica? Understanding the cause of your sciatica pain is crucial to finding a lasting solution. Sciatica pain can stem from a herniated disc, bone spurs on the spine, or the narrowing of the spine (spinal stenosis) compressing part of the nerve. This compression causes inflammation, leading to pain and potentially symptoms like numbness in the affected leg. Continue reading to find out how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently and get back to living your life to the fullest. What Is The Most Effective Pain Relief For Sciatica? If you want to know how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently, the first you should know is that medication is the worst way to do so. While many resort to pain medications or even surgery in severe cases, there are non-invasive and highly effective treatments available. Here are some examples of natural pain relief methods: Physical Therapy You’re probably thinking what does physical therapy have to do with sciatica, but it can really help you recover naturally. Physical therapy is not just the type of therapy to cure your body after an accident that left you with broken bones. It’s much more than that. Personalized physical therapy can aid in relieving sciatica pain by teaching exercises that strengthen the muscles supporting the back. Strengthening these muscles can reduce nerve compression, one of the primary causes of sciatica. If you want to know how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently then physical therapy is your answer. Cold Packs & Heat Packs Both cold and heat therapy are great tips on how to get rid of sciatica pain fast but will bring only temporary relief. These methods are great for some pain relief when you’re trying to relax at home after a long day and your sciatica pain gets in the way of this. Initially, you might get relief from a cold pack placed on the painful area for up to 20 minutes multiple times a day. After a few days, a heat pack can offer relief. You should still seek the expert help that you need. Stretching  I know that you’ve been in so much pain you can’t imagine doing any stretches, but it will help you. You don’t need to do heavy exercises but try to move a little bit to stimulate your core muscles. Regular, gentle stretching can help reduce inflammation and relieve tension in the lower back. How To Get Rid Of Sciatica Pain Permanently? I know how much you’re suffering and I want you to get better so that you can get back to being active with your family and doing all the things you need to be able to do. Here are some great tips on how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently. Maintain Proper Posture If you’ve got a sedentary job or the type of work that requires standing all day, then it can lead to sciatica pain. Sitting or standing for prolonged periods with a slouched back can put undue pressure on the sciatic nerve. Maintaining good posture can alleviate this pressure. Stay Active While it’s tempting to rest and avoid movement when in pain, staying active helps. Gentle activities like walking can prevent muscle stiffness and reduce nerve compression. I know you may be tired or not have enough time every day, but even a 15-minute walk is better than nothing. Incorporate Low-Impact Exercises  If you’re going to the gym, you don’t have to give up all the exercises. Take the advantage of additional classes they offer. Swimming and aqua aerobics can help by relieving the pressure on the nerve, given the buoyancy of the water. The Best Treatment For Sciatica If you’ve been searching for advice on how to get rid of sciatica pain permanently and you still haven’t been able to get better, then I understand how frustrated and worried you are. The good news is that you don’t have to be in pain forever and I encourage you to try physical therapy to see how it can really help you recover over time and get back to your activities. As the leading back pain expert in Denver, I’ve helped thousands of patients recover from sciatica permanently and get back to living their lives without limitations. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with a few free options. If you want to get some more information on natural pain relief for sciatica pain before coming to see us, then you can download our free advice report where we’ve put together some useful advice.   You can also book a free telephone consultation with our expert team to find out how we can help you recover fast without painkillers, injections, or surgery. If you are ready to take the next step, you can come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where we can show you around the clinic and discuss in more detail how we can help you recover. It is very crucial that you take action now and get back to health, so you can do all the things you love without any pain. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain and sciatica treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more free advice. Read our expert article to find out what are the 3 Common Causes Of Lower Back Pain In Females And Tips To Prevent It. How To Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast And Get Back To Enjoying Activities With The Family – find out from our expert blog. Find out How You Can Get Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain and Keep It Away. […] Read more…
September 12, 2023Have you been suffering from debilitating back pain that’s been keeping you in pain for a long time? I appreciate how upsetting it is when you can’t do daily tasks as a mom, a busy and active person, or just a hard worker. For women who suffer from chronic back pain, there is nothing more uncomfortable and frustrating. Whether it’s from an injury, poor posture, or simply carrying heavy objects, back pain affects millions of women worldwide. Read this blog to find out what the three common causes of back pain in females are and to get some tips on how to prevent it. What Causes Lower Back Pain In Females? There are many different reasons for lower back pain in females and some of the most common ones include simple activities that women do on a daily basis. If you’ve been struggling with back pain for a long time, then I understand how you feel when you’re not able to do all the things that you love, but there are things you can do to get better. Here are some of the most common causes of back pain in female. Poor Posture Arguably the main cause of back pain in females is poor posture, which puts extra pressure on the back muscles and ligaments. Women who work on computers or sit at desks for long periods are especially prone to back problems. The solution? Invest in an ergonomic chair that supports your body’s natural posture and avoid sitting in the same position for long periods. Sometimes you may be involved in other activities like different sports or morning running which is also what causes lower back pain in females if you don’t know how to keep a healthy posture while doing all those activities. Back Pain From Pregnancy  Are you expecting a baby and you’re not able to prepare properly or enjoy this time because of your back pain? I know it can be frustrating and debilitating when you can’t do the things you want to do. Expectant mothers experience a myriad of physical changes during their pregnancy. One of the most common is lower back pain, mainly caused by the body’s shifting center of gravity. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and wearing supportive shoes can all help ease pregnancy-related back pain. Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of back pain in female, but it’s not unavoidable, so follow those tips to prevent back pain from getting worse. Heavy Lifting Women carry more weight compared to men, due to adding a purse, bags, or groceries, which can lead to back pain. Proper lifting techniques can prevent injury, such as bending your knees and lifting with your legs instead of your back. Also, if an object is too heavy or awkward, don’t be afraid to ask for help. A lot of the time the main cause of lower back pain in females is the fact that they don’t lift things the way they should and they carry imbalanced weights. The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain If you’re a woman suffering from lower back pain, then you probably have been wondering what causes lower back pain in females as you may have heard from your friends, mom, sister, and other women that they also are suffering from back pain. It’s very common, but it can be treated if you’re ready to make changes. If your lower back pain is severe, you might want to consider professional help from a specialist. As the leading back pain expert in Denver, I’ve been able to help thousands of women recover from back pain and get back to doing the things they love. If you want to find out more about working with me, you can start with several free options. For more information on back pain and natural treatments, you can download our free advice report where I’ve put together a lot of useful information. You can also schedule a free telephone consultation to speak to our expert team from the comfort of your home and learn more about our treatments and how we can help you. Finally, you can book a free discovery visit at our clinic where we can do the initial assessment and get to know you more to understand better what treatment can help you recover from your pain. The most important thing is to choose one of these options now and get the help that you need before your pain gets worse and you’re not able to do most of the things you enjoy. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain prevention and treatments, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to get more free advice and see what we’ve been up to in our clinic. Read our expert article to find out How You Can Get Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain and Keep It Away. Find out How To Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast And Get Back To Enjoying Activities With The Family.   […] Read more…
August 19, 2023Are you suffering from agonizing sciatic pain that’s been stopping you from doing things that you love? Is your pain so bad you can’t go to work, exercise, and socialize with your friends and family? I know how concerning and painful it is when the pain stops you from doing all the things in life you used to enjoy. However, there are things you can do for immediate relief for sciatica pain that will get you back to doing all these activities without pain. Natural Remedies For Immediate Relief For Sciatic Pain If you’ve suffered from sciatica pain for quite a while now, you probably already tried painkillers and resting, but that rarely helps and can only weaken your body more. There are natural treatments you can try for immediate relief for sciatic pain without the need for medication, injections, or surgery. Here are some of the things that you can do to help relieve your pain and get back to an active life without the pain and limitations it’s been putting on you. Ice And Heat For Sciatica Sciatica is the most painful type of back pain and I understand how this can affect your life in many ways. This is why it’s important to actively look for and try natural remedies for pain relief. If you’re looking for immediate relief from sciatica pain at home, then ice or heat can help you reduce the level of pain. Ice is great for acute injuries but can work well for sciatica too as it reduces swelling and numbs the area which immediately relieves your sciatic pain. Heat works well for long-term and chronic pain, but can also help provide relief for sciatica pain as it relaxes stiff joints and muscles that are causing your pain, and increases circulation to speed up recovery. When applying heat or ice to your back, make sure you wrap it in a towel first to avoid direct exposure to extreme temperatures. Stay Active The most important thing when sciatic pain strikes is to stay active. I know it may sound counterintuitive, but resting can only make your pain worse. When you’re resting for a long time without movement, you are stopping the blood flow to the affected area which can increase swelling, and pain, and slow down the recovery time – the last thing you want! That’s why you need to keep moving as best you can, go for walks, and do some work around the house to keep your body mobile and healthy. This can bring more pain relief than painkillers that you’re reluctantly taking. Stretches For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain  When sciatica pain strikes, sometimes you can barely walk, so you wouldn’t even think about stretching. However, stretching can really help relieve your sciatica as you increase your body flexibility and blood circulation. Stretches for back pain also relax your stiff joints and muscles which brings immediate relief for sciatic pain. There are some great stretches for sciatica pain you can try at home like sitting glute stretch, sitting spinal stretch, figure four stretch, knee to opposite shoulder, and hamstring stretch among others. When stretching, it’s important to do it correctly as you might end up damaging your sciatic nerve even more if you don’t know how to do certain exercises and stretches. It’s also important to do the right stretches that are personalized to you – what works for you, may be harmful to someone else with sciatica. The best thing you can do is to contact me, the leading back pain expert in Denver in a Free Telephone Consultation or Free Discovery Visit where you can learn about the most effective exercises and stretches for your sciatica pain. The Fastest Way For Immediate Relief For Sciatica Pain The best and most effective way to relieve sciatica pain is getting professional help from the leading back pain expert in Denver who’s worked with thousands of sciatica sufferers before and helped them recover from sciatica naturally. You might have tried different things like painkillers, massage therapy, or resting and nothing worked. Or maybe you tried physical therapy before but didn’t get the expected results. Our approach is different. We treat the whole body, and not just the injury. Sciatica is different in every patient, so there isn’t a one size fits all solution. In order to treat sciatica permanently, you need to identify the root cause of the problem to get specific treatment for your specific needs. Physical therapy is the best treatment for sciatica as me and my expert team look at your body holistically which allows us to find the cause of your injury and provide the right treatment plan that gives you exactly what you need. If you want to get immediate relief for sciatica pain that will be permanent, we are here to help. And there are several free resources you can start with. To discover 9 ways to ease sciatica pain and return to an active lifestyle, you can download our free advice report which gives you instant access to expert advice.   If you are a little hesitant and you’d like to ask us a few questions before coming to see us, you can schedule a free telephone consultation where you can talk to me and my expert team about your condition and see how we can help you. You can also come and see us at the clinic for a free discovery visit where you can meet our team, see the facilities, and learn more about our treatments which can give you fast, long-term relief without pills, injections and surgery. The most important thing is to choose one option now and get the right treatment for your specific condition before your back pain and sciatica fully takes over your life. You deserve a chance at healthy and fulfilled living. More Free Advice On Back Pain and Sciatica  If you want to stay up to date with the latest advice on back pain, you can follow us on social media and read our expert articles. Follow the leading back pain expert in Denver on Facebook and Instagram. You can also watch video instructions on how to exercise correctly on our YouTube channel. Read our expect article to find out How To Relieve Lower Back Pain Fast And Get Back To Enjoying Activities With The Family. Take a look at The Best Lower Back Pain Stretches That Will Keep You Active This Summer. […] Read more…
July 19, 2023Have you been suffering from agonizing lower back pain that’s been stopping you from spending active time with family and friends? Or maybe your lower back pain is so bad you had to give up a hobby you were so passionate about? When lower back pain strikes, it can be very difficult to do all the things that you used to do. If you’re an active individual, I understand how frustrating it is when you can’t do the things you love. Luckily, we have some tips on how to heal lower back pain, so you can get back to enjoying your active life without worrying about back pain. If you’re suffering from lower back pain and want to recover fast, you should read this blog. Expert Tips On How To Heal Lower Back Pain Usually, it’s a common mistake to take pain medications for lower back pain. They simply don’t fix the problem, but relieve the symptoms for a short time. We believe in natural ways to treat lower back pain without resorting to painkillers, injections, or risky surgery. All these things come with side effects and irreversible complications. You shouldn’t live a life in constant pain and full of limitations. Here are just a few tips on how to relieve lower back pain quickly and be able to go back to swimming, running, hiking, or simply just spending active time with your family whenever you feel like it. Ice or Heat For Lower Back Pain  If you’re suffering from lower back pain and you’ve already tried painkillers and resting but nothing worked, then I understand your frustration. Natural remedies work better for muscle pain than any medication, so it’s best to try different methods before you resort to these risky solutions like pills, injections, or surgery. One of the best tips on how to heal lower back pain is applying ice or heat to your back. Ice for lower back pain is great when you’ve suffered an acute injury and want to get immediate relief from your pain. Ice helps reduce swelling and redness as well as increases your blood circulation. Applying heat to your lower back pain is good for ongoing and chronic pain as it relaxes your stiff joints and muscles. Lower Back Pain Stretches  Another way how to relieve lower back pain fast is by doing stretches for lower back pain. There are different stretches you could do at home or the gym that can help you get rid of your lower back pain and improve your body flexibility. You can try pelvic tilt, knee-to-chest stretches, child’s pose, cat-cow stretch, and many other stretches and exercises that are great options on how to relieve lower back pain fast at home. However, if stretches for lower back pain are done incorrectly, then you may be in more pain than you were before. It’s best to get help from our leading back pain expert who can show you how to heal lower back pain safely and naturally. Massage Therapy For Lower Back Pain  Another common tip on how to heal lower back pain is to get a massage. Some people try massage at home but that rarely helps. You can try massage therapy but you need at least a few sessions to start feeling any improvement in your lower back pain. While massage therapy is a common thing to resort to when you want to test how to relieve lower back pain fast, it usually does not bring fast results. It is much better to try physical therapy with our leading back pain expert who knows how to heal lower back pain and can guide you through the recovery process, so you can be healthy again and get back to doing all the things you love. Natural Lower Back Pain Relief Through Acupuncture  Another way how to heal lower back pain is acupuncture which targets specific areas of your body to relieve pain. Many patients who come to us have tried acupuncture before and some say it does help to relieve symptoms but won’t fix your lower back pain in the long run. We recommend trying acupuncture as a natural remedy for pain relief, but it should not be your only treatment for lower back pain. If you really want to know how to relieve lower back pain fast, then you should get advice from our leading back pain expert who can give you personalized exercises and stretches to relieve your lower back pain. The Best Tip On How To Heal Lower Back Pain The best advice on how to relieve lower back pain fast is to see me, the leading back pain expert in Denver, and my expert team who have a proven track record of helping thousands of people with lower back pain over the years. Other natural remedies can help you relieve the symptoms of your lower back pain, but if you’re looking for ways how to heal lower back pain permanently, then you need our expert advice and guidance. We want you to be able to enjoy your life again without all the limitations that lower back pain puts on you. If you want to find out how to relieve lower back pain fast without painkillers, injections, or dangerous surgery then you can start from our free resources. For more advice on lower back pain, its causes, symptoms, and various natural treatments available, you can take a look at our free advice report which has all the relevant information on back pain. Another option to get in touch with our leading back pain expert is to schedule a free telephone consultation so you can talk to our expert about your condition and find out how to heal lower back pain with our personalized treatment plan. Finally, if you’ve suffered for a long time and you’re tired of saying no to activities and spending time with your family because of your lower back pain, now is the time to take action. You can book a free discovery visit with our leading back pain expert in Denver during which you can explore our clinic, and facilities, and speak to our expert about your condition and we can take it from there. The most important thing is to choose one option now and do something proactive about your lower back pain before it gets worse. Our leading back pain expert can help you find the root cause of your lower back pain and fix it, so you can enjoy your life without the pain and limitations that you’re experiencing now. More Free Advice On Back Pain  If you want to find out more about the leading back pain expert in Denver and how to heal lower back pain fast without painkillers, injections, or risky surgery, then you can follow us on social media and read out expert articles. You can follow our leading back pain expert here: Facebook, Instagram Read our expert article to find what are The Best Lower Back Pain Stretches That Will Keep You Active This Summer.       […] Read more…
June 19, 2023You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂 […] Read more…

 “I am so grateful I found Jamie and his expert team that afternoon!”

Discover how people in Denver, just like you, have found natural pain relief for their back pain while avoiding evasive procedures – Thanks to back pain expert Jamie Bovay.

My life felt miserable, and I struggled to even sit there and was just hoping that it would go away on its own.”

Amanda, Denver

I wanted to get back to lifting heavy weights, mountain biking, and doing all the things I love, and Jamie achieved that!

Whitney, Denver

I had back pain so bad I was waking up at night and couldn’t sleep because of the pain.

Chrislie, Denver

Is This Where You’ve Heard Of DR. JAMIE BOVAY Before?

A #1 Amazon.com Best Seller, Jamie has written the critically and clinically acclaimed book Adding Insight To Injury.

Jamie has trained a lot of top healthcare professionals over the years so they can help their own patients overcome injuries quickly and naturally.

Jamie Bovay and his expert team are a multiple winners of the Best Physical Therapist in Denver award!

Jamie is the trusted physical therapist for 4 popular Colorado teams including FC Denver, of the Colorado Premier League and Denver Rush, of the women’s X-League.

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  • Want personalized advice from the comfort of your own home.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your back pain can be fixed.
  • Want to speak to a back pain expert so you can understand your options.