Back Pain Expert Denver

Who Is Englewood's leading back pain expert, Dr. Jamie Bovay?

Dr. Jamie Bovay is the #1 back pain and sciatica expert in englewood and has helped thousands of people overcome their pain without the use of painkillers, injections, or surgery.

But who is Dr. Jamie, and what is it that makes him so different from all of the doctors you’ve seen before who have echoed the same advice of resting, masking the problem with pills, and that you need to slow down because you’re not as young as you once were?


Want yo know more about the back pain expert englewood?

My name is Jamie Bovay and I am the leading back pain expert in Englewood.

Over the years, I’ve worked with literally thousands of people helping them overcome back pain, sciatica, and other spinal injuries.

I became known as the #1 back pain expert in Englewood for my proven track record of success with my patients.

My expertise goes beyond the walls of my clinic and this is why I have an unrivaled reputation as the leading back pain expert in Englewood.

I wrote a best-selling book “Adding Insight To Injury” which helps people navigate their pain and recover faster.

Additionally, I won the award for the Best Physical Therapist in Denver twice, so people know they can rely on me and trust in my abilities to bring them back to being healthy and active.

Why Does Back Pain Expert Englewood Specialize in Back Pain Injuries?

I started specializing in treating back pain because I’ve seen the damaging impact it has on people’s lives.

Back pain can stop you from doing many things you love like playing with kids, going on family vacations, or playing your favorite sports.

Sometimes it can be so severe that it puts you off work and put you in a difficult position.

There are many ways in which back pain can affect your life, and I am here to help you recover, so you don’t need to live in pain any longer.

As the leading back pain expert in Englewood, I have years of experience treating various back injuries, so I know how to tackle the problems you are having.

I also have a history of injuries, so I can understand how you feel and I want you to know that you can and will get better if you get the right help that you need.

Trust me, the leading back pain expert in Englewood, and let’s get you back to living the life you want.

How Is Back Pain Expert Englewood Different From Other's You've Seen?

My team and I are different because of our unique approach to treating our patients.

We don’t just give you a simple sheet of exercises and rush you out the door.

At our clinic, we give you 1-1 care, attention, and a personalized treatment plan to make sure you get the best results.

I became the leading back pain expert in Englewood thanks to my success and approach that proved to work for so many patients I’ve treated over the years.

I am passionate about helping my patients not only recover but also maintain their health and keep active.

Don’t waste your time on medications, injections, and other remedies that only mask your symptoms.

Put your trust in me, the leading back pain expert in Englewood, and let’s get you back to doing all the things you love without pain.

Speak To The Leading back pain Expert In englewood

I know you might be nervous, and unsure whether physical therapy is right for you. That’s why I offer two FREE ways to speak to me, and my expert team in our englewood clinic. Whether you prefer to speak to us over the telephone, or want to come into our clinic, you can get answers to your questions, get personalized advice, and learn about the safe, proven and natural ways we can treat your back pain fast!

Arrange A Free Discovery Visit

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is for you.
  • Want to visit our clinic and see how we can help.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to an arthritis expert so you can understand your options.

Arrange A Free Telephone Consultation

Perfect for you if;

  • Don’t know whether physical therapy is right for you.
  • Want personalized advice over the phone.
  • Have questions and aren’t sure if your issue is curable.
  • Want to speak to an arthritis so you can understand your options.

Hear From Happy Clients of Ours

Please take a moment to enjoy hearing of other people, who like you, came in to see the team at Kinetik Chain – and left much happier.

9 ways to ease lower back pain. back pain expert in denver, jamie bovay